Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Izzie Socks

I got a cat and yes, the title of this post reflects his name. 

I believe if you are going to have an animal, you should be creative with the name.  His full name is actually Izzie Cutie Froggy Socks.  I can’t take credit for the full name (and probably don’t want to).  My daughters, 5 and 7, came up with pieces of the name.  My dad came up with Socks because the cat has white paws that contrast with his gray fur.  The girls came up with Cutie and Froggy for …whatever reasons.  Actually, my 7 year old came up with Cutie and makes sense since the cat is a cutie.  My 5 year old came up with Froggy and maybe that makes sense because she’s 5 years old.

For Izzie, I’m not sure if I misheard them but ultimately, I think I came up with Izzie and then strung them together.  So we have the full name, but I’ll probably just stick to the first name mostly and first/last when the mood strikes me. The full name will be reserved for when he is in trouble for pooping on the floor.  “Izzie Cutie Froggy Socks, you better get in here RIGHT NOW!”  

When I was growing up, we always had pets and mostly cats.  We had one dog, Sam the Basset – “Dog of the Desert, Keen of Eye, Swift of Foot” as my dad used to describe him (is it any wonder where I get my pet name fetish?),  and plenty of cats; too many to name and names to embarrassing to repeat here.  When I was on my own, I never had any pets mainly because I lived in apartments that didn’t allow them and I couldn’t afford them (which was more the reason than the bylaws of the apartments I lived in).  When I was married to my first wife, we ended up with two cats and somehow I got custody of them after we divorced  I didn’t mind, though.  When I was dating the woman who would become my second wife, I had to give the cats back to the first wife because the soon-to-be-second wife was very allergic to them.  It was hard but I was in love and the house was much cleaner after the cats were gone. 

So fast forward almost a decade and I am now a cat owner once again.  I considered a dog and would actually love to have one.  With my job, however, I travel and I can’t afford to put him in a kennel every time I have to hit the road.  Outside of that getting real expensive, it just wouldn’t be fair to the dog.  With a cat, however, I could be gone a week and as long as I had a continuous feeder and water, the cat would be fine.

When I first brought the cat home, I couldn’t help shaking the notion that he was a child.  I would tip toe around him while he was sleeping and if I had to go out, I would hurry back to make sure he was okay.  Much like the times I did that with my children, the cat was fine too. (That’s a joke, folks…I never left my kids alone unless it was an emergency trip to the beer store and when I did that, I gave them a broken bottle to protect themselves with). 

People may think I got the cat for my girls, but that’s not necessarily true. Sure, they wanted one and knew they could get one now that they had two houses to go to and one of them didn’t have a highly allergic adult living in it.  Still, I got the cat for me.  Pets are great companions regardless of what type of animal they are…although I suppose living with a grizzly bear might be tricky…especially getting it to go in a litter box but I guess for bears you would have to have indoor woods because you know what they say about bears and woods.  Huh?  Huh?  Get it?  See what I did there?  Heh…anyway…

Now I have little Izzie Socks to join me on my journey to the next destination in life and I’m glad he’s here.  I can now talk to him and it not be as weird as when I was just talking to nobody (but maybe only by a little bit).  Not that it’s all fun and games.  The darn cat barely lets me get any typing done as he likes to crawl up my leg, onto my lap and then onto my desk.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to retype this because he ran across the keyboard.  At one point, my spell checker told me I should have gotten a bird. 

Maybe he wouldn’t need so much attention if he had another cat to play with.  Maybe I’ll get six more. Nah, if I did that, my destination would surely be known:  Alone.  Forever. 

Except for the seven cats and probably never seeing the top of my desk again.